I just wanted to clarify some confusion that could arise from my last gigantic post, over something I mentioned concerning the Book of Mormon. I said (honestly) that I don't hold it infallible, but I want to make sure every one understands how I feel about it.
If there was a list of things I hold important, God, my beautiful wife, and my amazing boys would be at the absolute top. Then my family in the larger sense. Then my friends. But very next in line, the first material thing on that list, is the Book of Mormon. That book is above anything else. Education, security, my own physical well being, and everything else that is still pretty important to me falls below. If there was a nuclear holocaust and my family had to choose one physical thing other than food or water to take into our underground cement box, I would choose the Book of Mormon. I definitely wouldn't choose an ipod (barf on ipods), or a playstation 3, or a fancy watch... I wouldn't choose my wife's guitar, my laptop, or even a journal to write in...I wouldn't choose a jar of curry spices, or a huge brick of chocolate, no photo albums, no family heirlooms....
Anyhow, I'm just trying to say that I value that book very highly. Although I feel that it is probably imperfect, and that there may still be editorial errors to be corrected in the future, as there were in the past, whether put there by Granden, Cowdrey, Joseph Smith, or maybe even Emma Smith during the translation process, (although I doubt she made any errors) I know that the Book of Mormon will bring a man closer to God than any other book. It is truely the keystone of my religion, and I am grateful that it is attached to a church which permits my attendance.
Perhaps I could also have said, more to the point, that I don't hold my own interpretation of the book infallible. If I got into some argument with an anti-mormon preacher, I am fairly sure that I would mess up the meaning of a few of the passages within the book. Although I read it frequently, I have not mastered it, and therefore for me to say "such and such is true because the Book of Mormon said so" has the significant risk of error that the book may not actually say such and such.
I know that Christ lives, and I know that the Book of Mormon contains His words. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ, to accompany the witness given by those of the old world. I am grateful to those who sacrificed to bring the Book of Mormon forth, both in ancient and modern day, and I'm grateful to my parents for placing it in my life. I'm sorry that I don't share it more often in a more intense way... but we all need to grow in a few areas, right? A few of us need to grow in all areas, but everyone knew that about me already...
Anyhow, the Book of Mormon is a true record of a real people unto whom the Savior personally ministered after His resurrection. I love the book as much as a person can hold material objects dear. I guess I ought to show that more by sharing it with others.
Merry Christmas.